Easyswitch to another ISP (BASE)
We went to visit a friend somewhere between christmas and newyears eve, and I was talking about how I switched my wife's mobile provider to DIGI.
And thus effectively saving 11€ on a monthly basis, he replied that such a minor sum wouldn't make him change providers anytime soon.
I made him a calculation on a yearly basis for his entire family/internet/mobile etc, how much he would save if he changed providers.
His original provider was Telenet for everything, one of the most expensive providers here in Belgium.
He would save around 1700€ on a yearly basis by just changing providers and with little to no impact on his services...
By now he's changed to another provider, and I've started looking around again. I was a customer @ Orange for quite some time, but time to move on.
BASE was "promising" 200 down and 20 up, so I thought I'ld check them out. Same pricepoint, but faster up and downspeeds. Only to find out that routers from BASE don't allow you to change the DNS and DHCP settings. I need this customization. So either I try to fix that with an extra router, or just move on to another provider which allows me to make these changes.
I was looking at HEY - 150 down and 10 up, for 34€. Currently on sale til 4/02/25 - so I've got two weeks time to fix myself a router setup or move on towards HEY.
Now I don't have a router available atm, but I can use one of our deprecated PA220 firewalls. Let's see if we can get used to this PAN-OS thing, might even look good on my resume. ;)